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 Little Cart in a mall
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Posted on 05-21-09 8:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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how can one run a cart business selling general merchandise in a mall?.Any license one is required to get? please advise if you guys have done so.

Posted on 05-22-09 12:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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dude this is what u need to do.

step 1: get outside

step 2: drive or take a bus to the mall

step 3: Go to the office and ask them

its that simple..


Don't Hate Appreciate!!!

Posted on 05-22-09 2:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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grokhali nice one ... 
Posted on 05-22-09 6:37 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gorkhali..Thats NOT true...Mall mgt would not have any idea if you have to have license from the state.

Cyrus: Go to state revenue office and register a LLC which might costs you 250 (depending on where you are) and I would suggest LLC. Do a research why LLC. Then go to mall Mgt and ask them how much does it cost you to rent a cart and their first question will be what are you planning on selling and go from there. Most malls would not let you have a cart if someone already selling what you are planning to sale. So registering LLC in the first place is kind of taking a chance here but you can do it after discussing with Mall mgt as well.

Hope that helped



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