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 KY to DC trip query
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Posted on 02-27-25 3:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Any good Nepalese restaurant on the way ?
Suggestions plz. Thanks
Posted on 02-27-25 5:06 PM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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घर बाटै खाजा प्याक गरेर ल्याए कसो होला ?
Posted on 02-27-25 8:48 PM     [Snapshot: 230]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When we travel back and forth from the East Coast to the Midwest, we like to stop at a redneck's mom-and-pop burger joint. We spend money Dil Khulkey to let them know that immigrants also spend money and help boost the economy. As we leave, the restaurant owner always says a big thank you. You should do the same.
Posted on 02-28-25 1:25 PM     [Snapshot: 434]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't forget to tip red neck pls.let them know immigrants aren't cheap.when you are immigrant when one person does something wrong their mind sees the whole community and blame all.thats human nature.if one person do something good whole community gets credit
Last edited: 28-Feb-25 01:26 PM
Last edited: 28-Feb-25 01:28 PM

Posted on 02-28-25 8:48 PM     [Snapshot: 611]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't be naive. You get nothing out of tipping red necks.
सर्प लाई जती दुध खुवाएर पालेर राखेनी आखिर डस्न छाड्दैन

Posted on 03-01-25 12:15 PM     [Snapshot: 794]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't make the mistake of not tipping. Tipping is required because it's part of the wages for people in the service industry. In the U.S., if you tip—even if you're not generous—you're seen as "Americano." That means you understand the system and aren't new to it. Otherwise, to them, you're just the next Mexican.

Posted on 03-01-25 2:50 PM     [Snapshot: 885]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Those red necks mostly support or have no objection to "Right to Work" policies in their states.

If you didn't know, "Right to Work" is very misleading name for policies brought in by Republicans with help with their very wealthy donors/masters that severely restrict workers' rights to collectively bargain with their employers for fair wages.

If these red necks mostly support or have no objection to "Right to Work" policies in their states, well, I'm not going to advocate for making lives of these red necks little easier by tipping them.

आफ्नै खुट्टामा बन्चरो हा्न्ने red neck हरूलाई I have no sympathy. They should feel the full impact of choices they made.

Posted on 03-01-25 11:17 PM     [Snapshot: 1066]     Reply [Subscribe]
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जाठी मुजी सेक्सी राज्य लक्ष्मी, रेड्नेक को गाड मोम् एंड पोप, मुजी राडी छप्कि, हल्ला मात्रै गर्छे।

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