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Dhruva sigdel
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 Trump administration preparing for amnesty to DACA and TPS holders
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Posted on 02-08-25 12:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This news will out soon in media .
Posted on 02-08-25 12:40 PM     [Snapshot: 67]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump is the only president who can do it .. and he will make that happen .
Posted on 02-09-25 1:55 PM     [Snapshot: 512]     Reply [Subscribe]
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1. Federal Court Challenges (Months to Years)
• If TPS termination is challenged, lawsuits are filed in federal district courts.
• It can take 6 months to 2 years for a decision.
• If the decision is appealed, it moves to the Court of Appeals, adding another 1-2 years.
2. Supreme Court Review (1-3 Years)
• If the case is appealed further, it may reach the U.S.
Supreme Court.
• The Supreme Court selects only a few cases to review, and it can take 1-3 years for a final ruling.
3. Asylum Application (Years)
• If a TPS holder applies for asylum, the process is lengthy due to case backlogs.
• The initial decision from USCIS could take 6 months to 3 years.
• If denied and referred to an immigration judge, the court process could add 2-5 years.
4. Stop Deportation Action (Stay of
Removal) (Varies)
• A TPS holder may file a Stay of Removal or request humanitarian relief.
• Decisions on these requests can take months to years, depending on the case and government policies.
Posted on 02-09-25 5:37 PM     [Snapshot: 665]     Reply [Subscribe]
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शरणार्थी भिषा निबेदन हाल्नका लागि के के आधार हरु देख्नु हुन्छ | TPS मा नेपाल पुगेर फर्किने हरुका लागि यो बाटोमा बडेमानको गजबार आफैले लगाई सकेकाछन् |
नेपालमा हुदा भन सुनका आधारमा चोर ढोका बाट छिरेका संघ सस्थाका कारिन्दा हरुले पर्मानेण्ट हुन पाइएन भनि हडताल गर्दा अरुले जागिर खान नपाएका हरुले ठिक हो या बेठिक हो भन्छन ?
TPS मा अमेरिका छिराई उधारो लिए रिण झैँ लाग्छ | नामागुन्जेल प्रयोग गर्नुस मागे पछि फिर्ता त दिनै पर्यो होईन र ?

Posted on 02-09-25 5:58 PM     [Snapshot: 713]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No, we can’t file court if TPS get terminated on time. DHS has that authority. In some point TPS terminated for every country. There is no hope for Nepal TPS.
Posted on 02-09-25 6:48 PM     [Snapshot: 795]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is only for DACA:



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