Posted by: harihar December 17, 2013
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 i have a big fight too otherthing are good

K kura ma??
yur bhena complained about me with my mother n lawthat i can betray him any timei am cooking for cosin bababa more things

Ask him to buy u a new apartment right now if he doesn't like staying with cousin or I m sending a ticket for u three tell him directly and tell him I m really pissed off n never try to talk to me here onwards

And he can't buy an apartment, then juss shut his big mouth
internet was not working so i called mom then he is sayng to his mom that i caled you guys for $80idont understan why hs mom is paying money for nternet to tak with him rightso why she is doing this i ont know

Ma bholi nai Hamro computer banauchu, u talk as much as u can, if he stops in middle, call me, and give me his personal mobile no, yesto gali garchu , Bau ko bihe dekhcha
you are my best brother in this whole world bless youhe thretens me that he wil call momthen i said call nobody belives him

Garnu bhana na, jindagi ko sabai ghamanda jancha
ya i sad call her we are no more afraid of his dhamki

i said that if calls my mom i wil call his mom ad scod so badly  have not thought in your felifehis mom is teaching al these things to himand he is a moms puppethe is teaching prem that if i beat hm beat me back

Thik ho
If Prem beats u, slap him back
he things for that i should not be angryya i will do absulutly

Ok la abba suta don't worry, we r all behind u
prem was saying that i wil not heat you mom

Good boy
beatok bye dont worryi have courage to fight back

Oks sis kehi bhayo bhane let me know
ya suredont tell momshe will be sadand dadhappy cristmas and new year

---What can I do after 15 years of marriage?

Last edited: 17-Dec-13 01:28 PM
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