Posted by: US Returnee June 27, 2013
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It looks like some places issue a certificate "Janmadarta ko pramanpatra" which is the official birth certificate, but i don't know why these municipalities or VDC's don't provide such certificate when asked for one.
They just write some letter mentioning what we say. it maybe that the birth is not registered there and they provide letter based on parents information or if you know anyone in that municipality.
But, is there a provison in nepal to register our birth now and get the official certificate ?
I know they provide official Marriage Certificate and Death certificate but why not Birth Certificate? It's so annyoing.
They just write some letter mentioning what we say. it maybe that the birth is not registered there and they provide letter based on parents information or if you know anyone in that municipality.
But, is there a provison in nepal to register our birth now and get the official certificate ?
I know they provide official Marriage Certificate and Death certificate but why not Birth Certificate? It's so annyoing.
Last edited: 27-Jun-13 08:30 AM