Posted by: behoove_me October 31, 2012
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I read and re read your post and was amazed at how well it was written -brief, precise and equally humorous as compared to relentless harangues from people like me. 
Besides the brevity and underlying humor, I was also surprised at how well you controlled the flow of your story; there was not a single piece of redundant word I could come across.
The sentences like –
I regretted making that joke even before I started, but he laughed anyways
I knew the basics of bar lingo that guys used by now, so I bet he would have yelled the same thing if Nickelback was playing.
marks how profound your observation and perception are and how cleverly and concisely you put them in words.
Hathaway talks to herself in movies, but barely writes a story. I felt like I was reading someone who has the likes of Virginia Woolf, Jhumpa Lahiri and E.L. James combined.
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