Posted by: Chandrika May 7, 2011
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Excel guru:
A mechanic asked me to help to create a sales receipt so he does not need to write it , just fill in ( no need to buy the sales recipt).
I created a sample and wanted to block the cell so he can not alter it ( I do not want to be bothered for every changed he will do by mistake).
I created in office 7 but he is using office 2000.
DBA and macros can be helpful but I do not know how to used it. Just wanted to block the cells permanently and he can fill in empty cells.
Thank you.
A mechanic asked me to help to create a sales receipt so he does not need to write it , just fill in ( no need to buy the sales recipt).
I created a sample and wanted to block the cell so he can not alter it ( I do not want to be bothered for every changed he will do by mistake).
I created in office 7 but he is using office 2000.
DBA and macros can be helpful but I do not know how to used it. Just wanted to block the cells permanently and he can fill in empty cells.
Thank you.