Posted by: logan September 25, 2024
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Your vocabulary, choice of word and association shows who exactly you are. bandevd2023 is one of you and he is a Chihuahua. His comments triggers your wisdom and novelty then you all khandukis start coming after me as if I am real pebble thrower. You all khundukis have good culture and habit of supporting each other when ever is needed. Sometimes I think you are all from same family or same village with share same norms. I found this on internet "The transmission of genes from parent to child is one important link that will lead to similarities between the behavior of a parent and a child". It cannot be possible but where ever the digno live they are similar in all aspects. You and Sriraam joined Pite and Tesle because their comments amuse you. That is you and your culture embedded in your gene can not go away how hard you try, what degree you have acquired. What triggered you ? Is your suppressed gene ignited by Pite and other khandukis comments?