Posted by: logan September 21, 2024
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Sorry Hello, Your thread in not heading to right direction. If someone can afford to go to USA should wear a casual dress. Is this nonsense advise going to help to get Visa " बेस्ट डिफेन्स भनेको अन्तरबार्तामा जाँदा बुढी-झुत्री भएर जाने" ? This comment shows how jealous and unhappy he is on someone's progress. What else can be the motive of bashing his mom companion during the US visit. "जाँठाँले छिर्ने बित्तिकै शरणार्थी फारम भरेछन, म भन्दा छिटो GC बनाएर , घर किनेर , श्रीमती र २ छोरी ल्याएर , छोरीलाई फेड जब ख्वाउन भ्याई सके" This shows his attitude and mental status. He is not happy with his own wife because she is not making big money.