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Posted on 01-20-25 8:55
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Sampurna pokhrel
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Posted on 01-20-25 9:35
AM [Snapshot: 52]
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Good news is coming before 25th . Be joyous and cheerful
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Posted on 01-20-25 10:14
AM [Snapshot: 105]
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Haha there he is - the person whose words are meaningless. He only changes the date to give false hope to people who are suffering. Such a fake prophet
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Posted on 01-20-25 10:49
AM [Snapshot: 184]
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Is saying enough now? Or there has to be kind of proof? Or if it is the person you don't like accusation is enough?
Last edited: 20-Jan-25 10:50 AM
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Posted on 01-20-25 11:03
AM [Snapshot: 208]
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This is the speaker of the house giving first hand information. Biden was pretty much senile. You are clueless if you have a problem believing this.
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Posted on 01-20-25 11:51
AM [Snapshot: 317]
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Biden the worst president in history.
Last edited: 20-Jan-25 11:51 AM
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Posted on 01-20-25 11:55
AM [Snapshot: 272]
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I'm disappointed at Biden for not extending TPS for certain countries before leaving the WH, but I wholly support Biden's final FU*K YOU to conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha
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Posted on 01-20-25 12:49
PM [Snapshot: 426]
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That’s actually a [Disallowed String for - banned word] you to all you sheeps who took the vaccine. This pardon proves that they committed a crime in giving you this vaccine which has caused more harm than good.
Sampurna pokhrel
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Posted on 01-20-25 12:53
PM [Snapshot: 435]
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Good days are coming ahead . Be joyous and cheerful
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Posted on 01-20-25 1:27
PM [Snapshot: 433]
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The only one not getting a pardon is Trump (in the State of New York or anywhere else). LOL!!
Fauci can always tell Trump that the one who actually committed multiple felonies/crimes is Trump and got convicted on 34 counts.
Unlike convicted felons , Fauci can
# Vote in his home state (and the State of New York if Fauci moves to NY) # Can buy or possess firearm
# Allowed to enter foreign countries without needing to explain criminal record
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Posted on 01-20-25 1:28
PM [Snapshot: 489]
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I totally agree speaker of the house must be taken seriously https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2dt2vfW/
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Posted on 01-20-25 3:00
PM [Snapshot: 639]
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In case you didn't know there's a difference between giving a personal opinion and reporting on official business saying there were 6 people in the meeting. Haha can't wait to see you cry babies crying for next 4 years because you despise democracy and you cannot accept a democratically elected president.
Sampurna pokhrel
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Posted on 01-20-25 3:02
PM [Snapshot: 645]
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Posted on 01-20-25 3:59
PM [Snapshot: 746]
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It's both speakers of the house and God emperor himself said that he wants to be a dictator also his press secretary said his tweets are official statements and he has tweeted so many times he wants to be dictator I hope he does everything he promised for and we will wait till project 2025 hits maga faces. "Haha can't wait to see you cry babies crying for next 4 years because you despise democracy and you cannot accept a democratically elected president." Like SA and maga were crying for last 4 years?
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Posted on 01-20-25 4:13
PM [Snapshot: 769]
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साझामा छिरेर ट्रंप भंक्त होऊ वा डेमोक्रेट भक्त होऊ : हजुर जाठा जाठि ले जतिसुकै गुला चटाइ गरे पनि सडक छाप भुस्याहा सरह मात्रै हौ | फरक चै यति हो कि एक प्रजातन्त्रमा अर्को तानासाही मा बिस्वास गर्छ्यौ | Could not resist to comment on those fellows who are buttering in the balls of their beloved leader.
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Posted on 01-20-25 8:55
PM [Snapshot: 1018]
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usa is for white only... others indian looking nepali, chinese lookin nepali, mexican lookin nepali, and arabic lookin nepali.. go back to ur place.. we dont need u stupid low iq people.. dont try to act ur white.. ur not one of us. ur just low level people tryin to act if its ur country.. go make ur country and dont claim ours.. never.. u wannabes
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Posted on 01-22-25 12:04
PM [Snapshot: 1892]
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If you’re wondering why Joe Biden chose the year 2014 for the Anthony Fauci pardon, it’s because that’s when Barack Obama and Fauci took over the Ukraine Biolabs 2014 was the year The CIA took over the Ukraine Government - Under US “supervision”, Ukraine fell into civil war in February 2014 (Obama) It’s all connected Tucker Carlson talking about Ukraine biolabs “what are they doing with the pathogens in those bio labs?” “So that's like the scariest thing that's ever happened. — The potential to destabilize the world more than anything that's happened in my lifetime.” Democrats have been involved with Ukraine biolabs since The CIA overthrew the Ukraine Government It’s the whole reason Ukraine was chosen for the war, it’s the reason why Anthony Fauci was pardoned back until 2014 The dates match perfectly
Sampurna pokhrel
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Posted on 01-22-25 1:14
PM [Snapshot: 1983]
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Good days are coming . Be joyous and cheerful