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 No point criticizing Kamala
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Posted on 10-09-24 6:18 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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🚨 MUSK: “There’s no point in criticizing Kamala Harris, she’s simply the face of a much larger machine. She’ll say whatever is on the teleprompter. She’ll get stuck if the teleprompter breaks…it’s whoever controls the teleprompter who is in charge.”
TUCKER: “Who is that?”
MUSK: “It’s not any one mastermind. Kamala is a sort of marionette with somewhere north of 100 (handlers)”
TUCKER: “I bet you know 80 of them.”
MUSK: “I probably know most of them.” 😂
Posted on 10-09-24 7:18 AM     [Snapshot: 43]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The same people who required Vaccine cards to get anywhere are the ones who are against requiring Voter ID/Proof of Citizenship to vote.
Last edited: 09-Oct-24 07:29 AM

Posted on 10-09-24 5:10 PM     [Snapshot: 185]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Democrat leaders have lost their marbles. In this election cycle, US House and Senate are going to reclaimed by the much-more sensible Republicans including the Presidency. The US voters' grudge against current Democrat incumbents are stemming from :
  1. open-borders for illegal migrants
  2. federal benefits being handed to undocumented migrants
  3. migrant crimes
  4. migrant gang activities
  5. fentanyl-smuggling
  6. human-trafficking
  7. open-air prostitution in the thorough-fares of cities near you
  8. bleeding of federal treasury to fund the unaffordable War in Ukraine and an impending nuclear holocaust
  9. the Middle-East on the brink of escalating to World War III from the currently regional war.
  10. Gender-affirming-surgery pushed to minors
  11. the predicament of correctly sanctioning separate restrooms in public buildings based on type of pronouns being affirmed by patrons
I was against Trump's re-election in 2020. But, who would have thought of all the kinds of shenanigans Biden-Harris regime have managed to pull in the last three and half years? This does not even look or feel like America anymore.

O-bum-a, the imposter President, is said to be running the show behind the scenes. It is him who wants to make America like Kenya and Camel-a Harrys wants to make the US like Jamaica. But Trump wants to return America to the Greco-Roman ethos which is culturally stronger and is far more advanced civilization than O-buma or Harrys' ethnic roots. Regarding TPS-holders, they will be fine just like during the last Trump presidency. This is a country of immigrants - so long as, you follow the law and pay taxes, you will be fine. The law-breakers need to go back and try coming back legally. To address all the afore-mentioned issues, anyone but incumbent Harrys can lead us out of this social, and political quagmire.

Last edited: 09-Oct-24 05:12 PM


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