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 On expressing an Earnest Gratitude ( Thanksgiving Day eve )
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Posted on 11-27-24 3:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you have ever failed to express sincere gratitude in one way or another to individuals who miraculously showed up and helped you in time of great need, don't worry you are not the only one. Some do not even bother to acknowledge or say a simple thank you to individuals who have literally saved his/her life.
Gelje Sherpa is being praised all over the Net for his selfless deed of carrying down the Everest an ailing stranger despite the dire dangers and the treacherous difficulties to his own life.

Last edited: 27-Nov-24 04:02 PM

Posted on 11-27-24 10:38 PM     [Snapshot: 143]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was once, some 18 years back, working in a treacherous inner city gas station. A drive-by shooting pierced two bullets right between me (the cashier) and the customer and landed on a Little Debbie Honey bun. There were two deaths that night, a 17 year old and another 18 year old in the car parked right outside the entrance of the Gas Station where I was working night shift. Their passenger friend, who lived, had come out to get the Dutch Master. It was later alleged that another rival gang member, shot from the sun-roof of a drive by car. The killers were never found. Our gas station had poor camera system. I thanked my luck that day. I live to tell you this story today. No one in particular, perhaps, saved me. But I am thankful that I did not die by an inch that day. I will eventually though. But don't know how and when.

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