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 How long does Citizenship take?
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Posted on 01-09-24 2:54 PM     [Snapshot: 267]     Reply [Subscribe]
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And here it is another mind blowing...

Sasurji- is 78 years old Nepalese Citizen, and god forbid , when it is time to go up, he wants to be US citizen,

Why so disgrace to Nepal at this age?

My parents, grand-mother refuse to be US Citizen when I offer them, they said life must be tough at this age in Nepal, but they want to feel proud to Nepalese when they leave that Nepali Dharti maa when time comes.

Jay Nepal.!!!

Posted on 01-09-24 5:56 PM     [Snapshot: 344]     Reply [Subscribe]
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People with these smart comments are disgusting. Do you even know what someone is going through? I know some parents of people who are living in the US who do not have anyone in Nepal and they are suffering very bad due to sickness. Noone is able to take them to doctor or provide any help. So please do not give dumb answers. If you cannot help then STFU.

Posted on 01-09-24 6:48 PM     [Snapshot: 367]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sorry i am confused myself now about excemption. May be it is enlglish test exemption which is actually easier than civic test. But civic test is pretty easy if u understand little bit of spoken english and i dont think it will be probrlem. I had applied at he end of march, called for interview in oct 16, naturalization on dec 6 and now i got my passport on jan 6 2024 so roughly 10 months.
Posted on 01-09-24 8:08 PM     [Snapshot: 407]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks paradox.
Posted on 01-10-24 12:29 AM     [Snapshot: 483]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Beijjati haru! Yo umer ma ni arkako desh ko citizenship chaine! Nepal ma Sampati ani koi chaina ki kya ho arkako desh ma second class citizen vayera bachna
Posted on 01-10-24 7:08 AM     [Snapshot: 539]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shekhar bro, koisai koisai ko pariwar sanga basnu parnay hunxa..sampati bhayara pani. Citizenship pachi medicare etc ko benefits haru lay sajilo hunxa..rahar lay hkina bro badhayata hunxa teo age ma..
Posted on 01-10-24 6:15 PM     [Snapshot: 682]     Reply [Subscribe]
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N400 process time is relatively prompt at the moment specially if new Biometrics is not needed and they use one from the existing file. I know someone who filed around end of July and got interview date with in a month and again naturalization date scheduled with in 30 days. So, total processing time 2 month.
Posted on 01-10-24 8:15 PM     [Snapshot: 729]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you everyone for your positive responses.
Again one of my questions was , will he have to go for the interview and will there be a translator provided ? 
Last edited: 10-Jan-24 11:48 PM


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