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 buying property as an f1 student on OPT?
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Posted on 06-16-19 9:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is it possible? I am currently in my 2nd year of STEM OPT, and plan on joining school next year. Can I buy a house and rent it out, and continue renting it out after I stop working? Would it not be worth it? Thank you.
Posted on 06-16-19 9:35 PM     [Snapshot: 17]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I know somebody who bought a condo when on F1.
Posted on 06-16-19 11:02 PM     [Snapshot: 97]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That depends on state law and credit company I think. Some bank only provides loan for US Citizenship and green card holder.
Posted on 06-17-19 12:45 AM     [Snapshot: 167]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't Know must about STEM Opt,

F1 TPS holder can get loan easily. (Maryland State)

  1. F1 student got TPS in 2015
  2. Worked hard for two years. ( two years tax return) 52k, 54k
  3. Excellent credit 750+ up ( that kind of credit score, any lenders will be ready to loan you)
  4. Working at Pitney Bowes ( great bi-weekly pay stubs) 58k yearly
  5. Wife also TPS holder, two years tax return, 34k, 36K
  6. Working at Senior living..( great bi-weekly pay 45k yearly.
  7. Her credit is superb almost 799+
They have three properties now, 2 town house (renting) one house for living..

And TPS is extended till March 24,2020 what else,

Posted on 06-17-19 1:24 PM     [Snapshot: 474]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Sexy in Sari
कसले पत्याउने तेरो कुरा? Odd job गरेर 3 properties भनेर खोक्छ जान्ठा.

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