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 TV to nepal
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Posted on 08-22-16 5:38 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I know it's probably most discussed topic, but would like to know experience/benefits/practicality of taking tv to Nepal. TIA
Posted on 08-22-16 6:11 AM     [Snapshot: 15]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I see many people taking TV in plane to nepal.. 1 guy i saw myself was even taking 40 - 50 inch tv.. u pay 0 import tax thats the only benefit i can think of..
Posted on 08-22-16 6:39 AM     [Snapshot: 34]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I heard there are some compatibility issue with samsung and LG tvs. I would rather send money and ask them to buy there with warranty. US warranty will not work there.
Posted on 08-22-16 7:11 AM     [Snapshot: 51]     Reply [Subscribe]
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0 Import tax!!! for 42inch TV, it's Rs 550/inch x 42 = Rs 23,000 custom fee.
Posted on 08-22-16 12:34 PM     [Snapshot: 201]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अहिले त size wise ट्याक्स लिन्न होला, हैन र ? सायद कस्ट प्राइस को २५% होला| स सम्थिंग लाइक द्याट फिव मंथ्स अगो |
Posted on 08-22-16 8:58 PM     [Snapshot: 294]     Reply [Subscribe]
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विदेशमा वसी फर्केका नेपाली यात्रुले ल्याउने एल.सी.डी. वा प्लाज्मा टेलिभीजनमा भन्सार महसुल कसरी लाग्छ ?
विदेशमा निम्न बमोजिमको अवधि वसी फर्केका नेपाली यात्रुले ल्याउने एल.सी.डी. वा प्लाज्मा टेलिभिजनमा निम्न बमोजिम भन्सार महसुल एकमुष्ट लाग्दछ र यिनमा अन्तःशुल्क तथा मूल्य अभिबृद्धि कर लाग्दैन ।

टेलिभीजन को साइज विदेशमा बसेको अवधि र लाग्ने महसुल
६ महिनासम्म ६ महिना भन्दा वढी
(क) २२ इन्चसम्म प्रतिइन्च रु. २००।— प्रतिइन्च रु. १५०।—
((ख) २३—२९ इन्च प्रतिइन्च रु. ३००।— प्रतिइन्च रु. २५०।—
(ग) ३०—३२ इन्च प्रतिइन्च रु. ४५०।— प्रतिइन्च रु. ४००।—
(घ) ३३—३९ इन्च प्रतिइन्च रु. ५५०।— प्रतिइन्च रु. ५००।—
(ड०)४०—४९ इन्च प्रतिइन्च रु. ६००। प्रतिइन्च रु. ५५०।—
(च) ५० इन्च र सो भन्दा माथि प्रतिइन्च रु.१२५०।— प्रतिइन्च रु.१२००।—

तर वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गई कम्तीमा लगातार बाह्र महिनाकाम गरी आउने नेपाली नागरिकहरूलाई एक पटकको लागि अभिलेखवद्ध गरी निजहरूले साथमा ल्याएको एउटा जुनसुकै प्रकारको बत्तीस इन्च सम्मको टिभिमा लाग्ने सम्पूर्ण कर महसुल छुट दिइनेछ । सो भन्दा बढी इन्चको टेलिभिजन ल्याएमा उक्त छुट सुविधा दिइनेछैन ।

customs.gov.np मा भेट्टाको!
Posted on 08-22-16 9:36 PM     [Snapshot: 318]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My advice is if you are thinking of bringing a tv, bring 4K TV otherwise a regular HD tv is not that exorbitantly expensive in Kathmandu.
4K i.e. Ultra HD tv are very expensive here and even more expensive is 4K 3D tv. I went to a local TV showroom and was surprised to find the 4K tv prices are over like 200,000 rupees. You can find a good size 4K tv in the US for about 600 dollars in sale.

Also alternatively you can bring a good quality projector. The only downside to that is the life of the projector bulb, once it runs out, the cost to replace is very expensive.
Posted on 08-23-16 3:11 AM     [Snapshot: 374]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you all for responding me. Those were some good info. Regarding voltage issue and US TV not working I was trying to see if anyone had any experience. Most likely I'm not gonna take it.
Posted on 08-23-16 11:17 AM     [Snapshot: 437]     Reply [Subscribe]
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nozzs, अस्तिको बजेट भासन मा चेन्ज भएको हैन र ? आइ माइट बि रंग |
Posted on 08-23-16 1:20 PM     [Snapshot: 473]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you bring a big tv, and especially since you will have multiple transits, your tv may or may not be handled with the same care (although it is in well packaging) so there is a chance that the bigger the tv is, it might get damaged. Of course no one has mentioned this so I thought point it to you.
So travel without with as much less worry as you can manage. You can buy a tv in Kathmandu with warranty.

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