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 Love At First Sight
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Posted on 03-12-13 2:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was walking in New Road one day and i noticed this girl walking towards me. Needless to say,
she looked beautiful. She had black hair and her red lipstick reflected the sunlight right into my
eyes. I will let you guys imagine how that could be possible. Anyways, my eyes were stuck on her.
They were transfixed so much that i did not notice the lamp post right in front of me which hit me
like Zinedine Zidane's headbutt. I gave out a big "Aiyyah!" and fell to the ground. Then she turned
towards me and helped me up. I was looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. I will spare you
guys rest of the cliches.

You could say it was love at first sight for the both of us. I could see the twinkle in her eyes and
hoped she saw same in mine. On closer inspection, i found out that she was dolled up too much with
make up, including those shiny stuff some girls love to put on. So that explained the twinkle. To cut
a long story short and not to bore you guys with the momos and chatpatis we had together, we decided
to call it a relationship within a week.

We were a couple of weeks into our relationship when we decided to go back to the place where we had
initially met and relive those romantic moments. While we were walking along the same strech of pavement,
i noticed this tall and well built guy walking towards us. As he neared us,i noticed my girlfriend was
looking into his eyes like an owl would look at a mice at night. She was staring at him and he was lost
in her eyes too. And you guys could never guess what happened next. That guy hit a lamp post also and he
fell to the ground. My gf rushed to him and helped him up. And to my utter disbelief, they started hugging
and kissing.

"I am sorry Monica, i was a bit rash", that guy said in between those liplocks.

"No. No, it was actually my fault", my gf(?) was saying. "We should never have fought
in the first place."

While they were consoling each other and making out, i felt a little awkard. I could not even give that
guy a punch as he was twice my size and muscular in design. He would probably have beaten me to a
pulp had i tried a sunny deol on him. All i could do was gape at the romance unfolding right before
my eyes. Monica did not even bother to clarify things. They both held hands and were soon out of sight.
I was left wondering. What had just happened?. I went to that galli ko cola drink pasal where they put
those lemon and salt and i had 5 glasses of those to digest it all. I promised myself to never
fall in love at first sight again.

Last edited: 12-Mar-13 02:43 AM
Last edited: 10-Dec-19 08:18 AM

Posted on 03-12-13 6:34 PM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I think you should try to write a lil bit longer than this. But, hey atleast you wrote one. Most of us can't even write one line without tens of grammatical errors. So keep working :)
Posted on 03-13-13 1:04 AM     [Snapshot: 446]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Maverick bro :)  I will keep your advice in mind. I need to practice more i guess.
Posted on 03-13-13 1:31 AM     [Snapshot: 470]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ha ha ha ha.. Freedom, I love short but sweet stories. Yours is fantastic. :D 
Please, keep continuing doing short stories.

Posted on 03-13-13 1:51 AM     [Snapshot: 487]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks BT, you guys made my day. I feel happy i found some audience hehe. Thanks for the encouragement bro. :)


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