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 peaceful Trump wants to invade Mexico now?

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Posted on 11-28-24 12:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 12-02-24 8:56 AM     [Snapshot: 5897]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't know why you support what you support, but I am not supporting the following anti humanity rhetorics that would put the entire world in jeopardy. 

1. Increase sales of weapon of mass destruction to provide profit to donors 
2. Destabilize world to increase insecurity to sell weapons, push world close to world war 3.
3. Open US borders to let in people without checking records to increase democrat voters and to destabilize the country 
4. Use media owned by donors to spread hateful message and divide people by gender and race 
5. Use government agencies to go after political adversaries 
6. Allow unaccounted spending in government so that they can reward donors 
7. Promote controversial GLBTQ agenda to divide people further and profit healthcare industries 
8. Fund labs overseas to test biological pathogens and viruses to be used to create chaos when needed
 9. Create money out of thin air to profit democrat friendly corporations and organizations and thus create massive inflation 
10. Prevent parents from being able to provide guidance to children to stop them from getting transgender surgeries. 

You have already defended these things which are against core human values. Keep up the good work.
Last edited: 02-Dec-24 08:56 AM

Posted on 12-02-24 9:33 AM     [Snapshot: 5910]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Show me where I defended all this point
Are you sure you got your facts correct?

1. Increase sales of weapon of mass destruction to provide profit to donors
2. Destabilize world to increase insecurity to sell weapons, push world close to world war 3.
Also Israel will get free reign under Trump

9. . Create money out of thin air to profit democrat friendly corporations and organizations and thus create massive inflation
Trump pout 8 trillion hole in the debt ceiling before covid and look up who got PPP loans


7. Promote controversial GLBTQ agenda to divide people further and profit healthcare industries
Who is going to profit when Trump cuts ACA,VA, Medicare, look it up.

4. Use media owned by donors to spread hateful message and divide people by gender and race
You mean twitter.com, Joe Rogan?

6. Allow unaccounted spending in government so that they can reward donors 
Who got most tax cuts under Trump? He is going to give tax cuts to the rich again and put tarriffs on everything, which will result in poor paying more and rich won't feel it, it will be the greatest wealth transfer in the history.

I don't know how rich you are, from what I have seen from your other post you seem affluent maybe that is why you are defending Trump.

I hope you get everything you voted for.
Posted on 12-02-24 2:08 PM     [Snapshot: 6179]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not defending Trump per se but defending the right of the people to live in peace without the threat of nuclear war looming over our heads. The establishment democrats and republicans have shown that they are ready to sell their soul to the highest bidder which happens to be the war machine. Trump is the only candidate who has opposed wars on day one and I think the world being a safe place is the number one priority before anything else comes to mind. That is why I support the MAGA movement. I am not sure where exactly you saw me being affluent. I am neither affluent nor poor. I stand in the middle with peace of mind.
Posted on 12-02-24 2:19 PM     [Snapshot: 6203]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news is coming
Posted on 12-02-24 6:11 PM     [Snapshot: 6493]     Reply [Subscribe]
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So selling these weapons and selecting pro Israel person is not enough?



And putting tariffs on everything


Cut social security, medicare, ACA, raise retirement age to 70.

Ya lots of people will sleep peacefully

Posted on 12-03-24 6:12 AM     [Snapshot: 7084]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Too much fake news ritu. The propaganda machine has done quite a number on you. Hopefully you will take the red pill someday and wake up.

Till then keep parroting the propaganda machine 🍸
Posted on 12-03-24 9:52 AM     [Snapshot: 7279]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes when it is news you don't like it is fake.

Trump already sold largest number of weapons Last time when he was president, he said himself he will appoint the pro Israel guy, he said he will put 100 200 2000 % tarriffs, he already blew 8 trillion hole in debt ceiling which was the largest. He has appointed 12 key people from project 2025. He wants to use military to eliminate enemies within. Turbo charge denaturalization. America is for Americans only.

There is no hypothetical this time. He has trifecta now and Supreme Court.

If you don't believe me then look it up. You will know who has been done number on by propaganda machine.

Be honest and Also make a list which one was news for you and post it here from all above conversations.

I hope you know who pays the tarriffs.

I hope he does everything he said he will and I hope everything maga gets what they voted for.

Posted on 12-03-24 8:07 PM     [Snapshot: 7775]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The topic itself here "Trump wants to invade mexico" is fake news, propelled by the paranoia of brainwashed media sycophants.

Who in their serious minds will ever believe that Trump wants to invade mexico. Trump has a good sense of humor which gets translated literally by the fear mongering media. This has happened many many times but fools always fall for it because their minds are utterly brainwashed.

Here's the reality however
Last edited: 03-Dec-24 08:11 PM

Posted on 12-03-24 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 7803]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I thought this was a free conversation until there is no rebuttal? Anyway please be honest and list all the things that was news to you. 

Also trump is a 34 count felon and sexual abuser in the court of law not in public opinion. 

He wanted to dictator on Day 1 and he is going to deploy military in US soil in his own words.
Last edited: 03-Dec-24 08:29 PM

Posted on 12-03-24 8:40 PM     [Snapshot: 7823]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is no wasting time with a person who believes that the US will invade Mexico. Enjoy your delusions but the reality is Trump is a lot better than Biden or Kamala. And politics is a choice between better of the worse. You pick Kamala and I pick Trump. Let's end at that because I see that there is no end to this.

Bye for now from this thread.

Posted on 12-03-24 8:42 PM     [Snapshot: 7831]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Also you are beginning to sound like that guy TPS who started saying all these bad words about his mom so I don't want to indulge that lunatic.
Posted on 12-03-24 8:45 PM     [Snapshot: 7834]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When there is no rebuttal and even after denying that Trump is not for project 2025 delusion but enacting on every point and when asked questions can be answered maga tends to stop the interaction.

I hope you get everything you voted for. I really pray for it.
Posted on 12-03-24 8:48 PM     [Snapshot: 7860]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"When there is no rebuttal and even after denying that Trump is not for project 2025 delusion but enacting on every point and when asked questions can be answered maga tends to stop the interaction."

Well, Trump has repeated that he is not involved with project 2025. If some of the points in Project 2025 matches with Trumps policy then it's a coincidence. 

In the other hand the title of this post "Trump is going to invade Mexico" is nothing but plain stupidity and paranoia. You should go see a doctor.

Before I leave this thread, I want you to admit that you are the TPS guy who used to bad mouth his mom. But you are a liar like your democrat masters so you will deny it.
Last edited: 03-Dec-24 09:01 PM

Posted on 12-03-24 9:02 PM     [Snapshot: 7899]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No rebuttal but accusations and insults, typical MAGA bully behavior
Posted on 12-03-24 9:04 PM     [Snapshot: 7907]     Reply [Subscribe]
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So no rebuttal for you are the TPS person who bad mouthed his mom?
Posted on 12-03-24 9:07 PM     [Snapshot: 7915]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You have already made up your mind, it won't make a difference but if that makes you happy I deny it. If you want respectful debate we can continue, If you are hurling insults and bullying then I don't want to continue
Posted on 12-04-24 7:10 AM     [Snapshot: 8581]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Finally you showed your true self by deleting my comment when your real identity of TPS was revealed.

You used to be condescending on Trump supporters now you have just become an entitled whiny person crying at every chance because they did not get their puppet president again.
Posted on 12-04-24 7:14 AM     [Snapshot: 8591]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can't a lady go any where without being harassed and being bullied? @sajha admin
Last edited: 04-Dec-24 07:15 AM

Posted on 12-04-24 10:17 AM     [Snapshot: 8913]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I did not know you were a lady.
Secondly, do you believe in equality where gender should not get preferential treatment and their qualification should be their experience and ability?

I will cut you some slack as you are requesting slack due to your gender. My apologies if I sounded harsh.
Posted on 12-10-24 12:04 PM     [Snapshot: 13700]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If anyone talks about equality you labeled "women / Lady"? You look down on female , have you thought about female in you house, do you treate them as your slave? Why you see it wrong when someone talks about equality. You are not harsh but deplorable / gullible and want other to be as you are, mentally. There were couple their duty was over and they are out from Sajha.

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