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 Nepali father killed in hit and run in Sydney
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Posted on 07-14-24 10:18 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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A man faced court on Thursday after being charged following an investigation into a fatal fail-to-stop crash in Sydney’s west in June.

The Downing Centre Local and District Court building in Sydney. Source: AFP / DAVID GRAY/AFP via Getty Images

A 32-year-old man has been charged with four offences after a fatal crash in Sydney’s Melonba in late June.

On Wednesday, 10 July, around 11:30 am, NSW Police arrested Gurpreet Singh at Sydney International Airport, with the help of the Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force.

Police said Singh, who had returned from India, was then taken to Mascot Police Station, where he was charged with four offences:
  • fail to stop and assist after vehicle impact causing death,
  • dangerous driving occasioning death-drive manner dangerous,
  • negligent driving (occasioning death) and
  • not give particulars to police.
Damodar Shrestha was allegedly hit by a car on Sunday, 30 June. Credit: Supplied/Sagun Shrestha, Supplied/NSW Police
On Sunday, 30 June, around 11:20 pm, emergency services were called to Abell Road, Melonba, after reports of an injured man located roadside.

The man, later identified as Damodar Shrestha, a visiting grandfather from Nepal, was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics but died at the scene.

Shrestha, from Nepal, was visiting his daughter's family in Australia.
Singh, who later appeared at the Sydney Downing Centre on Thursday, 11 July, has been granted conditional bail.

He is required to report to the Riverstone Police Station every day between 6 am and 8 pm and may not enter any international airport or other point of departure from Australia.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Sharon Freund also ordered that he needs to live at a court-specified location in NSW and is not to get in the driver's seat of any motor vehicle.

Upon the court’s order, Singh surrendered his passport to the police officer in charge and is not to apply for another passport.

The matter is now listed for committal in September 2024.

Last edited: 14-Jul-24 10:19 AM


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