I m new to these SLR cameras. I was looking for pretty much a basic entry level SLR to beginers. After googling whole bunch of pros & cons reviews, i decided to buy Nikon D3100.
There s a Father Day sale for $ 294, just the camera body. Another deal includes Nikon 28-80 mm lens with 15 pc kit ( incl. 4 gb memory card, tripod stand, bags n etc).
Which one you guys think would be a wiser buy? Since I am new to these SLR thing, how much has these LENS to do while taking pictures/quality?? Whole bunch of diff lenses with diff prices( was freaked out when I saw $ 2350 just for the lens). Is that 28-80 mm, I guess its some sort of range, would be sufficient enough to snap some decent quality pics???
Thanks in advance !!