In the truth and reality of 200 decades record of Nepal,....
These people just do not pop up and heat Chettris and Bahuns.... They hate Chettris and Bahuns because there is good reason to hate them.
create Caste system, destroy unity and suppressed people by Chettris and Bahuns.
Racism and discrimination practiced by Chettris and Bahuns.
Openly and undergroundly do all kinds of bribery, crimes, corruption, smuggling,
traffickking and national illigeal activities by chettris and Bahuns.
Corrupt, incompelte and destroy national developements by Chettris and Bahuns.
Manipulate politics, government and destroy peace, development, securtiy and democracy of Nepal by Chettris and Bahuns.
Not giving Nepali citizenship to authentic Nepalese people but taking bribery giving original Nepali citizenship to Indian people by Chettris and Bahuns.
Each and Every national crime and corruption leaded by Chettris and bahuns.
Political and governmental crime and corruption leaded by Chettris and Bahuns.