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 रबि लामिछानेको दाहिने हात ICE को हिरासतमा

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Posted on 03-02-25 10:17 AM     [Snapshot: 117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ग्रीन कार्ड लिएर एक वर्षमा अधिकतम ६ महिना अम्रिका बाहिर बस्न सकिन्छ, तर एकै पटक ६ महिना भने होइन , पटक पटक गरि ६ महिना हो, एकचोटीमा ३१ दिन भन्दा बढी अम्रिका बाहिर रहदा पूर्व अनुमति ( waiver ) लिन जरुरि हुन्छ. २ महिना भन्दा बढी सकाए लगातार बाहिर बस्नेहरु फटाफट ICE को फन्दामा परेको खबर आइ राखेको छ
Posted on 03-02-25 3:33 PM     [Snapshot: 317]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ओ पण्डित जी, ग्रीन कार्ड हुने हरु ले ३१ दिन भन्दा बढी अम्रिका बाहिर बस्दा पूर्व अनुमति लिनु पर्दैन, कहाँ को नया नियेम लिएर आयिस ये पण्डित? एक पल्ट मा ६ महिना सम्म बाहिर बस्न पायिन्छ! त मुजी पण्डित भएर जनता मा भ्रम फैलाउने? 

Last edited: 02-Mar-25 03:41 PM

Posted on 03-02-25 11:06 PM     [Snapshot: 549]     Reply [Subscribe]
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आफुलाइ थाहा नभएको कुरामा त्रास र भ्रम फैलाउने काम नगरौं ।
Posted on 03-03-25 5:59 AM     [Snapshot: 702]     Reply [Subscribe]
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nathapayeko kura google grda hunthyo ta yarr

No set minimum days:
There is no specific statutory requirement regarding how many days you must physically be present in the US to maintain your green card.
6-month rule:
Most experts advise against staying outside the US for more than 6 months at a time to avoid suspicion about your intent to maintain residency.
Continuous residence for naturalization:
If you want to become a naturalized citizen, you must meet the "continuous residence" requirement, which means spending more time in the US than outside during a specified period before applying for citizenship.
Posted on 03-03-25 9:12 AM     [Snapshot: 838]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Everyone say goole google but what they dont realize is this is trump america , where a birthright constitutional citizenahip provision has been overridden , let alone laws n bylaws .
Posted on 03-03-25 10:33 AM     [Snapshot: 923]     Reply [Subscribe]
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He had a criminal record.


Posted on 03-03-25 10:35 AM     [Snapshot: 925]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mohan Thapa of Baltimore, MD, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Baltimore to producing fake identification documents and conspiring to use the mail to racketeer. In exchange for bribes Thapa conspired with an employee of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) to sell and distribute fraudulent IDs to foreign nationals. In addition to the fraudulent IDs, the case involves a local driving school that allegedly is bribing MVA test examiners to pass unqualified applicants on tests for commercial driver’s licenses. Thapa’s sentencing date has not been set, and the MVA employee’s case is pending. This is an ongoing joint investigation of OIG, the FBI, and INS.
Posted on 03-03-25 11:22 AM     [Snapshot: 990]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This guy acts like the Godfather of Baltimore. He had a criminal case with the MVA 20 years ago, a money problem of $18,000 to Kumari Restaurant, and has many tax liens with the Comptroller of Maryland. When he goes to Nepal for months, he doesn’t pay rent. He keeps moving around and has money problems with every single person he comes in contact with. This January, he even failed to pay rent. Every single year, he has two or three court cases. We don’t need him here.
Posted on 03-03-25 11:45 AM     [Snapshot: 1038]     Reply [Subscribe]
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K bhnacha yo sexy torpey le . Ramro sita ta lekh gaandu
Posted on 03-03-25 12:27 PM     [Snapshot: 1089]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tesla Guy, I don't necessarily agree with SIS, but she's as clear as anyone could be with what she wrote above. Mohan Thapa is basically a criminal who deserves to be kicked out of the country and he got stopped at the border while asking for admission.

Pandit completely took it out of context and trying to scare people. You should go get a life.
Posted on 03-03-25 12:50 PM     [Snapshot: 1088]     Reply [Subscribe]
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हाल हाल पण्डित पाखे मुजी छप्का। पाखे मुजीको सानो सोच, थाहा
नपाई प्याच्च बोल्। ३१ दिन अमेरिका बाहीर बस्यो, ग्रीन कार्ड क्यंसी।
राडाको बान मोहनजंग थापा ड्राइवार लाइसन्स मिस् इउज् को केसमा चाक हनेको ह।
राडाको बानको अमेरिकी नागरकता पहीले नै खोसी सकेको छ, अहीले नेपाल बाट आउदा फेडरल को रडारमा परेर Philadelphia Federal Detention सेन्टरमा जाकि रहेको छ।

Posted on 03-03-25 12:59 PM     [Snapshot: 1167]     Reply [Subscribe]
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सेक़सी राज्य लक्ष्मी अमेरिका आफ्नो आमा को बेस्यालय र आफ्नो मामा घर सम्झंछे जस्तो छ।
Posted on 03-03-25 1:49 PM     [Snapshot: 1248]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Im not just referring to a perticular individial, few people with gc are facing trouble at poe like never before.

Also people commenting here are mostly on tps , who have never travelled abroad or even in domestic airlines because of fear so their response refering google search engine is invalidated .
Posted on 03-03-25 2:58 PM     [Snapshot: 1336]     Reply [Subscribe]
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हाल हाल पण्डित मुजी, क्रिमिनल रेकडलाई त पोइन्ट ओफ इन्ट्री मा रक्नु कुनै ठुलो कुरा होइन।
मुजी टी पी एस प्रति किन डाहा गर्छ। तिम्रो सुड़ाले तिम्रो सुड्डीलाई टेम्प्रोरी प्रोटेकसन लगायर बाजाएको भए तिम्रो नाम निसान हुदैन थीयो।
Posted on 03-03-25 3:24 PM     [Snapshot: 1316]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Possibly, KP Oli conspired with the Trump Administration to end the existence of the Rastriya Swatantra Party at every level, from the lowest karyakarta level to the highest levels of the Rastriya Swatantra Party's leadership structure by putting another vital member of the Rastriya Swatantra Party top leadership in jail.

Looks like Mr. Thapa's apparent brushes with the law in the US in his past gave fairly good opening for KP Oli to execute this arrest in coordination with the Trump Administration as a part of KP Oli's long ongoing campaign to make the Rastriya Swatantra Party bite the dust.

According to one Nepalese news site, in 2018, Mr. Thapa created ruckus for calling on social media to protest against KP Oli during Oli's visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly.

One very interesting note is that, how come Rastriya Swatantra Party, which is one of the youngest large political parties in Nepal, so quickly became a melting pot for individuals accused of serious financial crimes, scams, law breaking activities and so forth ?

According to experts, despite its young age, Rastriya Swatantra Party now ranks at 3rd position for number of its leaders and its important activists accused of financial crimes including its founding leader and its former chairman currently out on bail for involvement in various financial crimes, money laundering, organized crimes etc.
Posted on 03-03-25 3:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1371]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Burga-Flippa, you need to go talk to people in VA and MD about this guy. The guy is an outright fraud. You cannot spin it other way with this guy. If people of Nepal really thought RSP is the messiah they were waiting for then LOL at them.
Posted on 03-03-25 3:33 PM     [Snapshot: 1372]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is no credible evidence to support the claim that KP Oli conspired with the Trump Administration to target the Rastriya Swatantra Party or its leaders. Such an allegation lacks substantiation and should be viewed with skepticism unless concrete proof is provided. Trump or Trump Administration don't give a f$ck about Nepal, KP oli or Rastriya Swatantra Party. Trump cannot even point Nepal in the world map.

Regarding Thapa's arrest and his past involvement with the law in the US, it is essential to focus on verifiable facts rather than speculative theories. Thapa's behavior in the past, including his actions during Oli's visit to the United Nations General Assembly, should be evaluated based on specific events and circumstances rather than unfounded assumptions of conspiracy.
Posted on 03-03-25 3:36 PM     [Snapshot: 1403]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with Macpro on this. Sajha is becoming a place to breed conspiracy theories these days as well as source of misinformation. It's okay to have fun sometimes talking about conspiracy theories, but people take these things seriously which can have serious consequences.
Posted on 03-03-25 3:46 PM     [Snapshot: 1429]     Reply [Subscribe]
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People should be mindful of the information they consume and share on platforms like Sajha. It is important to critically evaluate the sources of information and fact-check before accepting and spreading any conspiracy theories. I am pretty sure Nepali Trump supporter lacks these qualities, either they are dump, uneducated or uninformed, which makes you a true trump supporter.
Last edited: 03-Mar-25 03:47 PM

Posted on 03-03-25 3:49 PM     [Snapshot: 1393]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Two things can be true at the same time.

I'm not denying the fact that Rastriya Swatantra Party apparently, in very short time, is filled with just as many individuals as other old political parties who are accused of scamming, financial crimes, various other crimes etc.

And, KP Oli is looking at many ways to finish off Rastriya Swatantra Party from its top to the bottom.

May be you should read my entire previous post.

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