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 Gay vs Gay
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Posted on 04-08-11 5:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In the past couple of weeks the word gay has been used numerous times in sajha. Whenever I open sajha I have to see the word gay. Now someone posted something saying Jesus was gay. I just got amazed.
So just read the following two sentences and figure it out yourself:
1. NAS is gay.
So this means NAS loves to give and take heads from random men at random places.
2. NAS is so gay in sajha.
So this one means whenever NAS posts something, that is so lame or boring.
3. NAS is wearing a gay shirt.
And this one might be like NAS is wearing a red shirt or a hawaiin shirt for a 35 year old dude(but he is not gay, ignore #1)

So try to use the word gay so it makes sense.
Posted on 04-08-11 6:30 PM     [Snapshot: 26]     Reply [Subscribe]
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PICHAS is straight........
So this means PICHAS loves to give cunnigulus to random women at random places ?

Posted on 04-08-11 7:51 PM     [Snapshot: 74]     Reply [Subscribe]
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So   your eyes  are on  NAS if he is a gay ?
Last edited: 09-Apr-11 10:39 AM


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