Can i adjust my status here now ? Please let me know - Sajha Mobile
Can i adjust my status here now ? Please let me know
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Hie sathi haru I came to USA in 2012 and my visa expired in 2013. Tess pachi I overstayed my visa and got lucky and filed TPS in 2015. Tess pachi i have been to nepal 3 times already through advance parole. My wife came to usa in 2023 for study and she is still pursuing her study . This year she was randomly selected for DV lottery visa and her case no is 113. My question is am i able to file adjustment of status together in USA? We also recently visited nepal together . I got paroled and my wife duration of stay at O hare airport. Am i eligible to dile together ? Anyone have idea on this plzzz let me know . ЁЯЩП ЁЯЩП
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No. Failing to Continuously Maintain Lawful Status Since Entry into United States is a bar to adjustment unless you are filing as a VAWA-based applicant, Immediate relative, Certain special immigrant,, or are 245(k) eligible. This applies to All entries and time periods spent in the United States (departure and return does not remove the ineligibility). See section F below :,or%20violation%20of%20immigration%20law.
Last edited: 21-Jun-24 07:19 PM
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Consular processing for you. She can adjust here . Safe bet is you both schedule for consular processing in Nepal ( assuming your wife has current visa to travel. and you have advance parole) .
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Yesto sensitive kuro k sajha ma sodhi ra. Talk to an immigration lawyer. Hope things work out for you.
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Thankyou everyone . I know couple of people who were sucessful in adjusting their status after they were paroled via employment .
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We are anonymous therefore many of us are throwing shit and we name other as "khanduki" or Shakkam bhari" but clean and gentleman to myself/ourselves.
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