TPS - New Alert - Sajha Mobile
TPS - New Alert
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ALERT: The Department of Homeland Security is extending the validity of certain Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) issued to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries under the designations of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan through March 9, 2025. We will send a Form I-797, Notice of Action, notifying you if you are affected by this extension. If you are currently a TPS beneficiary under one of these designations, and you have not yet re-registered for TPS under the most recent extension for that designation, you must submit Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status, during the current re-registration period to keep your TPS benefits. The re-registration period under the TPS designation of: El Salvador now runs through March 9, 2025; Honduras now runs through July 5, 2025; Nepal now runs through June 24, 2025; Nicaragua now runs through July 5, 2025; and Sudan now runs through April 19, 2025
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If I knew for sure, I wouldn't have paid ~$500 for new EAD application
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We all paid $450 for new EAD . Will new EAD physical card will come on mail , saying expiration date as march 9, 2025. Its already more than 8 months we applied for new EAD.
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Naya EAD aaucha. Expiry date June 24, 2025 bhanera aaucha. Kasto abujh bhaka Nepali haru. Ahile tehi processing dhila bho bhanera kam ma break nalagos bhanera auto extension deko ho March 9 samma. Naya EAD guarantee aaucha. kahile aaucha chai aba USCIS ko schedule herera hola. TPS EAD is not priority anymore as we are already allowed to work.
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